Statement from the Australia Information Office of the Prelature of Opus Dei

This statement is issued in response to an article published in The Australian newspaper on 31/05/2011, entitled “Opus Dei shapes as a challenge for Tony Abbott”

The article, “Opus Dei shapes as a challenge for Tony Abbott”, written by Christian Kerr and published in The Australian on 31 May 2011, implies that Opus Dei is sponsoring political activities of the “religious Right” in New South Wales. This is simply not true.

It is not within the mission of the Prelature of Opus Dei to become involved in politics. 

Respect for personal freedom in temporal matters is a hallmark of the spirit of Opus Dei. As in society at large, diversity of political views and of membership of political parties is found amongst its members.

Opus Dei is a Catholic institution whose goals are entirely spiritual. Its mission is to help people turn their work and daily activities into occasions for growing closer to God and serving others. It carries this out by offering faith education and spiritual guidance.

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